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Why Buyers Rely on Us Why Suppliers Register

1. Competitive Pricing - This website provides one stop competitive shopping for Business for Buyers, Purchasing Departments, and Small Business Owners. Instantly identifies competitive suppliers for 1000's of products and services.

1. Review & Select Bidder(s)
2. Create & Issue RFQ(s)
3. Receive Quotes
4. Review Quotes
5. Select Successful Offeror
6. Award Purchase Order (PO) - (Offer)
7. Receive Supplier Purchase Order Acknowledgement & Acceptance

Purchase Orders can be awarded electronically or via fax

Fast, Easy, and Free

1. Purchasing Departments Access Your Website - This website provides an unlimited and free competitive purchasing capability to purchasing departments for every business world-wide...

1. Buyer selects a "Product" or "Service"
2. Buyer reviews registered suppliers
3. Selects supplier name to view website
4. Selects "more info" for detailed info
5. Buyer instantly selects bidder(s)
6. Buyers creates & issues RFQ(s)
7. Sales Rep alerted of RFQ via e-mail
8. Sales Rep returns to website
9. Sales Rep accesses RFQ
10. Sales Rep complete & submit quote
11. Buyer reviews supplier quotes
12. Buyer awards Purchase Order
13. Supplier accepts Purchase Order

2. Free Registration and Use - Buyer Registration and use of this website is FREE for Buyers, Purchasing Departments, and Small Business Owners

Please Register Now.

2. Affordable Registration - Supplier Registration is currently free for a limited time for up to 4 products and 4 services.

A low affordable monthly fee structure is anticipated to be introduced at a later date based on site popularity and use.

Please Register Now.

3. Makes Your Job Easy - significantly accelerates the purchasing process for buyers and sales representatives.

Easy to use...enables the buyer to instantly find, research and select competitive suppliers, initiate RFQs, obtain competitive quotes, and award purchase orders (competitively or none competitively).

E-mail alerts notify the buyer when quotes are received, and when Purchase Orders are acknowledged and accepted by the Supplier's Sales Representative.

3. Makes Your Job Easy - Eliminates cold calls...sends automated e-mail message alerts when RFQs are issued to your company from Buyers, Small Business Owners, and Purchasing Departments world-wide thru our website.

Signficantly accelerates and simplifies quote preparation, quote issuance, and purchase order award acknowledgement & acceptance (electronic or fax) for your benefit using supplier registration information maintained by you in your private password protected "Supplier Area" queue.

4. Fast and Simple - instantly identifies competitive suppliers of 1000's of products and services.

Enables instant bidder selection

Signficantly accelerates RFQ preparation, RFQ issuance, Quote Receipt, Source Selection, Purchase Order Award and Purchase Order Acknowledgement and Acceptance using registered information provided and maintained by individual buyers and sales representatives in their private username and password protected "Buyer Area" and "Supplier Area" queues through our website.

4. Fast and Simple - Accelerates proposal preparation, quote issuance, and purchase order acknowledgement and acceptance with registration information provided and maintained by the registered supplier in their personal username and password protected "Supplier Area" queue for the Supplier's benefit.

Instantly populates ninety percent ( 90% ) of the quote and purchase order fields to simplify and accelerate quote completion; and provides instant electronic quote transmittal to the buyer through our website.

5. Informative - Instantly identifies competitive suppliers for 1000's of products and services...

Provides essential information about every competitive supplier in a uniform format...

Enables instant access and comparison of competitive supplier websites faster than tranditional search engines...

Instantly provides "More Info" detailed information in a uniform format about the supplier's experience and capabilities prior to bidder selection and RFQ issuance.

Smart Phone Compatible - instantly dial the Supplier's phone number, access their website, or send them an e-mail with one touch from your smart phone.

5. Smart - effectively markets your company's name and existing internet site for your products and services to buyers, purchasing departments, and small business owners world-wide thru this website.

Eliminates cold calls since automatic e-mail alerts are sent to the Sales Representative whenever a Request For Quote (RFQ) is issued by a Buyer to your company.

Smart Phone Compatible - buyers instantly dial your phone number, access your website, or send you an e-mail from their smart phone.

6. Accessible - world-wide twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week.
6. Accessible - world-wide twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week.

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